Expert about march in Hajnowka: Nationalism is a US State Dept's instrument

The nationalist forces of Poland, Ukraine, Montenegro and Greece are a tool of the US State Department’s struggle with the Orthodox Church, the political analyst noted.
On February 23, 2020, the next annual march in honor of the “hero”, nationalist Romuald Rice with the nickname Buryi from the Craiova Army, who stands behind the massacre of Orthodox women and children (ethnic Belarusians exterminated in 1946 – Ed.) will be held on the streets of Hajnowka in Poland. This time, mayor of the city of Jerzy Sirak, who had previously banned a similar event, was silent, since his prohibitions reportedly make no sense.
The UOJ correspondent asked the head of the Third Sector analytical center, political analyst Andrei Zolotarev, for comment on what is happening. He explained why nationalist forces are even more confidently raising their heads worldwide: they are actively trying to influence the religious life in Ukraine and Montenegro and have been organizing demonstration marches in honor of the murderers of Orthodox Christians in eastern Polandfor 5 years in a row.
“There is a problem in the geopolitical confrontation,” the expert noted. “Behind Poland, the Montenegrin leadership is linked to the Department of State of the United States of America, which has long had strong business relations with Phanar. Naturally, all this morphs into an integral picture of creating the most uncomfortable conditions for Orthodoxy.”
However, the Patriarchate of Constantinople itself was also only a tool in the hands of the US Department of State, Zolotarev said.
“Phanar is also a tool but of a higher order than nationalist circles in individual countries. But nationalism and ambition, as well as Phanar’s greed, are effectively used by the US State Department,” the political expert concluded.
Recall, the fifth annual march of nationalists in Polish Hajnowka in honor of the murderers of Orthodox Christians – ethnic Belarusians – is scheduled for February 23, 2020. During such past marches, supporters of the nationalist Romuald Rice, who was behind the massacre, would shout slogans: “Here we are, we are Poles,” “God, honor, homeland,” “Honor and glory to the heroes,” “A strong nation is coming, it is rebuilding great Poland”, "Neither Islamic nor secular but the great Catholic Poland". Among the participants in the march are many young Poles. Below we publish the YouTube channel video of Partia Razem - Lewica Razem about a similar march, which took place on the streets of Hajnówka two years ago, on February 24, 2018.
In light of such events, Orthodox residents of the city feel extremely stressed. Earlier, the UOJ reported on how the Orthodox parish of Hajnówka postponed worship fearing an attack by nationalists during one of these marches.