UOC continues to help villages of Zhytomyr region affected by fires

Archpriest Pavel Linnik brought humanitarian aid collected with the participation of the Vinnytsia Eparchy to vlg. Ostrovy, urging all concerned to join the action.
On June 3, 2020, with the blessing of Metropolitan Vissarion of Ovruch and Korosten, the clergy and volunteers of the Ovruch Eparchy of the UOC handed over humanitarian aid to residents of the village of Ostrovy of the Ovruch district, Zhytomyr region, which was most affected by large-scale forest fires. Archpriest Pavel Linnik, the rector of the Kazan Church of the Malin Forestry College of the Ovruch Eparchy, reported this on his Facebook page.
“We brought food, clothing, drinking water and building materials to people,” the clergyman wrote. “On my own behalf and on behalf of the inhabitants of the village of Ostrovy, I express my sincere gratitude to the rector of the Holy Ascension Church in the village of Ulanov of the Vinnytsia Eparchy, Archpriest Yaroslav Mikitin and the parishioners of this church who collected a significant part of the aid: clothes, food and much more. May the Lord reward everyone a hundredfold for good and understanding.”
Father Pavel, who brings humanitarian aid collected by the faithful of the UOC on a weekly basis to the victims of the fire, said the next trip is scheduled for June 10.
“Who wants to join, you are welcome,” the priest invited.
Donations can be transferred to the PrivatBank card: 4149 6293 1000 3827 (Linnik Pavel Mikhailovich).
As reported earlier, on May 26, the village of Ostrovy was visited by Metropolitan Vissarion of Ovruch and Korosten with a charitable mission.