Adaptive quarantine extended till July 31 in Ukraine

Over the past 7 days, COVID-19 has affected the largest number of people in a pandemic period in Ukraine, Denis Shmygal emphasized.
On June 17, 2020, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal said that due to the increase in the incidence of COVID-19, adaptive quarantine in the country would be extended until July 31.
“4, 853 people – this is exactly the number that got COVID-19 in the last 7 days. And this is the largest number for the entire pandemic in Ukraine. Many of us took the mitigation of quarantine measures as the abolition of quarantine, hence we have the first disappointing results today,” he stressed during a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, broadcast by the government’s YouTube channel.
Mr. Shmygal drew people's attention to the fact that quarantine is the most effective way to counter a pandemic.
“The coronavirus has not disappeared, nor has the threat it poses for our medical system and for us. For the Ukrainian economy, these threats have not diminished either, we are aware of this. We understand that people are tired of any form of quarantine. However, there is no more effective way to counter this disease, the spread of this virus,” he explained.
The head of government called on the Ukrainians "not to relax and not break away from our reality".
“Mask regimen, disinfection, social distance – these are, in fact, those measures and means to help everyone protect themselves from this disease, at least until the time when effective medicines and effective treatment protocols are invented so that this disease does not cause significant mortal threats,” he concluded.
Earlier, Denis Shmygal warned that quarantine could be tightened. According to him, this will happen if there is a hyperbolic increase in the incidence of COVID-19 in 10 or more regions of Ukraine.