Patriarch Kirill: Prayer of Russian saints helped the USSR to win the war

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church said on the Day of All Saints who Shone in the Russian Land that their intercession helped the Soviet people win World War II.
On June 21, 2020, on the Feast Day of All Saints who Shone in the Russian Land, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus’ said in a sermon at the St. Alexander Nevsky Church in the self-named skete near Peredelkinо that the saints helped the Soviet people win the Great Patriotic War, reports the website of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Patriarch Kirill congratulated those present on a great feast, the Day of All Saints who Shone in the Russian Land.
“These are our fellow-countrymen, these are people of different ranks and different positions. Princes, boyars, clergy, peasants, ordinary people - all are in this rank of saints, because neither the person’s position nor the place that someone occupies in society determines relations with God, but the grace that has been abundantly poured out on our Russian land through the prayers of many glorified and unglorified, unknown ascetics, saints of God.
It is thanks to these prayers that many miracles took place in the history of our Homeland, and especially what happened during the Great Patriotic War. The enemy who attacked our Homeland did not know that it was the Day of All Saints who Shone in the Russian Land, and the saints stood up for our land and saved us from a terrible foreign yoke. The yoke of the godless, the yoke of the inhumane, which could result in the complete destruction of our people.
By the prayers of the saints, our country, which was largely inferior at that time to the enemy, our people accomplished a great and holy work – defended their sacred borders, preserved the Orthodox faith, and now we have the opportunity to glorify the Lord and remember the great intercession of all the saints who shone in our land,” said the head of the Russian Orthodox Church.
As reported earlier, on June 21, 2020, the Church paid tribute to the memory of all the saints who shone in the Russian land.