Turkey takes Phanar Head’s words about Hagia Sophia as a threat to Muslims

The Secretary General of the Turkish National Action Party commented on the response of the Head of Phanar to open a mosque in Hagia Sophia.
Ismet Buyukataman, Secretary General of Turkey’s National Action Party, believes that statements by Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople about the authorities' intention to convert Hagia Sophia into a mosque can be seen as a “preliminary announcement” of attacks on Muslims.
“We would advise Bartholomew to express regret for all these Muslim works that were destroyed in many parts of the world, especially in Greece. He warns of the West’s planned attacks on Islam and Muslims,” said the Secretary General of the National Action Party on his Twitter.
3- Bartholomeos’a tavsiyemiz başta Yunanistan olmak üzere dünyanın pek çok yerinde yok edilen İslam eserleri konusunda üzüntülerini paylaşması; İslam’a ve Müslümanlara Batı’nın planlı saldırıları konusunda Batı’ya uyarılarda bulunmasıdır.
— İsmet Büyükataman (@buyukataman) June 30, 2020
According to the Turkish politician, the Head of Phanar made a mistake when he said that the conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque would turn millions of Christians against Muslims.
“The claim that millions of Christians in the world will be disappointed is beyond his authority,” the Turkish politician wrote on hisTwitter.
2- Ayasofya, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han’ın 1453’te vurduğu mühürle Türkleşmiştir ve ebedîyen Türk yurdu olacak olan İstanbul’un önemli bir Türk-İslam eseridir.
— İsmet Büyükataman (@buyukataman) June 30, 2020
Dünyadaki milyonlarca Hristiyan’ın müteessir olacağı iddiası ise üstü kapalı bir haddini aşmadır.
Ismet Buyukataman considers the position of the Patriarch of Constantinople inconsistent.
“Since Bartholomew cannot say ‘Hagia Sophia should be turned into a church’, he says instead, ‘Hagia Sophia has served Christians for 900 years, while Muslims for 500 years, so it should remain a museum’. In addition to making a mathematical error, he makes a significant logical error,” he said in another publication on his Twitter.
1- “Ayasofya kiliseye çevrilsin.” diyemediği için “Ayasofya 900 yıl Hristiyanlara, 500 yıl da Müslümanlara hizmet etti, müze statüsünü korumalıdır.” diyen Bartholomeos, basit bir matematik hatasının ötesinde büyük bir mantık hatası yapmaktadır.
— İsmet Büyükataman (@buyukataman) June 30, 2020
Earlier, the Head of Phanar said that Hagia Sophia is a place and symbol of encounter and solidarity between Christianity and Islam. According to him, "the conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque will disappoint millions of Christians around the world, and Hagia Sophia, which, due to its sacredness, is a vital center where East is embraced with the West, will fracture these two worlds."