Metropolitan Longin calls to release human rights activist Kokhanovska

The abbot of the Bancheny Monastery called for the immediate release of Viktoria Kokhanovska, who had been kidnapped by the police.
Bishop of the UOC Metropolitan Longin (Zhar), abbot of the Ascension Bancheny Monastery, called for the release of human rights activist Viktoria Kokhanovska. This is reported on the page of the Bancheny Monastery in Instagram.
Recall that Victoria was kidnapped from the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra right during a live broadcast about the protection of the monastery, which she hosted on her Facebook page.
As reported by the UOJ, Kokhanovska's abductors turned out to be police officers, who had taken the human rights activist to the Investigative Department of the Pechersk Police Directorate in Kyiv.
The lawyer of the Kyiv Caves Lavra, Archpriest Nikita Chekman, added that Viktoria was detained for hooliganism.