Dobkin sues "Voice of Ukraine" for calling him a UOC-KP parishioner

Ukrainian politician Mikhail Dobkin, a parishioner of the UOC, filed a lawsuit against the Verkhovna Rada edition, which ranked him among the parishioners of the UOC-KP.
Former people's deputy and ex-governor of the Kharkiv region Mikhail Dobkin took legal action against the state enterprise "The newspaper edition 'Golos Ukrainy'”, which named him a parishioner of the UOC-KP, reports "Glavcom".
The reason for the suit was the publication in the "Golos Ukrainy" ("Voice of Ukraine") in the section "Humour and satire". The resource of the Verkhovna Rada commented on the message of Mikhail Dobkin, a parishioner of the UOC, that he initiated a lawsuit against ex-President Petro Poroshenko for discrimination against Ukrainian citizens on religious grounds.
“Il looks like Dobkin appears to be a parishioner of the UOC-KP! So, the conclusion is: Dobkin can be a Catholic, can become a parishioner of the UOC-KP, or can worship three saints at once – Krishna, Rama and Dalai Lama XIV ... It all depends on the dose ... of incense," the parliamentary newspaper wrote, classifying its material as a "joke".
We recall that on June 18, 2020, Mikhail Dobkin, a parishioner of the UOC, made public a statement he submitted to the State Bureau of Investigation demanding that Petro Poroshenko be held accountable for his actions that provoked "aggravation of religious (interfaith) confrontation and enmity in the state".