Patronal feast celebrated in Panteleimon Monastery of Athos

Archimandrite Methodios, Bishop Cherubim of the Serbian Church served at the liturgy, and the governor of Athos, Athanasios Martinez, prayed.
On August 8 and 9, 2023, the patronal feast was solemnly celebrated at the Panteleimon Monastery of Mount Athos, the UOJ correspondent reports.
At the Vespers and Divine Liturgy, together with the brethren of the monastery, the abbot of Hilandar, Archimandrite Methodios, Bishop Cherubim of Osek-Polje (Serbian Church), the civil governor of Athos Athanasios Martinez, and guests from other monasteries of the Holy Mountain prayed.
The choirs of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the Hilandar monastery and the cells of Burazeli sang at the divine service.
The service began at 8:30 pm on 8 August and ended the next day at 10:30 am.
Also praying at the service was the brother of the President of Serbia, Andrej Vučić. He presented the monastery with an icon of Savva of Serbia.
Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the brethren of the Athos Zographou monastery expressed support for His Beatitude Onuphry.