Children fair for homosexuals organised in Belgium

At the Belgian online fair, representatives of the LGBT community were given the opportunity to choose a surrogate mother or buy a newborn.
On November 7-8, Belgium hosted an online fair for surrogate mothers and babies for gay couples (Men Having Babies).
Previously, the event was held in the Brussels Hilton hotel, but, as stated on the organizers' website, due to quarantine restrictions this year, a virtual format had to be chosen.
Gay participants had to to pay 20 euros as a registration fee.
As part of the event, a virtual exhibition was held, where one could see data on surrogate mothers, as well as women who are ready to give birth or sell already born children and sign a waiver in favor of the buyer. Participants also had the opportunity to have private online interactive sessions with these women.
According to the organizers of the fair, the participants were offered "new opportunities for significant savings on the costs associated with the surrogacy process."
As reported by the Italian online publication, in 2019 a fair for surrogate mothers and children was held for LGBT couples in Brussels, where the sale and purchase of babies was completely legal, and prices varied depending on the "quality of the goods" – from $ 95,000 to $ 160,000.