Media: Vatican does not consider conflict in Ukraine a "civil clash"

The position of the Vatican on the situation in Ukraine is voiced by Archbishop Paul Gallagher.
The Holy See does not consider the conflict in Ukraine a "civil clash", said Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, Vatican Secretary for Relations with States, in an interview with the TASS, published on Friday, December 4, 2020.
Noting that "the Holy See supports the implementation of the agreements reached and the activities of all parties involved in this," the Vatican diplomat pointed out that "the Holy See refrains from publicly accusing the parties involved in conflicts".
“But this does not mean that it accepts the interpretations of the parties concerned, just as it does not consider it correct to call the conflict in the east of Ukraine a civil clash,” Archbishop Gallagher explained.
He stressed that all Catholic Churches in Ukraine (UGCC, RCC, Mukachevo Greek Catholic Diocese) "provide assistance and support to the entire population, regardless of national, religious or other affiliation". As for the direct participation of the Vatican, then, according to the diplomat, "only assistance in reaching an agreement is possible".
“Any direct participation in the negotiations of the parties to the Holy See is possible only if the participants in this process apply. <...> In any country, civil conflicts have different roots. For the most part, they are born due to inequality, social disturbances, corruption, economic problems, lack of faith in the political system. In any case, the diplomacy of the Holy See, led by the Pope and always with the assistance of local Catholic Churches, advocates the peaceful expression of any civic demands and the search for solutions through negotiations and respecting human rights and legislation. First of all, the Holy See in case of conflicts is most concerned about manifestations of violence,” said the head of the Vatican's Foreign Ministry.