RCC hierarch: Catholic leaders serve the globalist oligarchy

The latest actions of the official Vatican serve to destroy the Church, says Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano.
The leaders of the current Catholic hierarchy have placed themselves at the service of the globalist oligarchy and Freemasonry, said RCC Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano.
In his article "A Den of Thieves" for the La Verità, Viganò draws the readers' attention to the actions of the Pope and the Vatican, which, in his opinion, serve the goals of the globalists.
So, Pope Francis collaborated with "Netflix", that is, with a corporation that "is involved in the spread of immorality and vice, including the sexual exploitation of minors". Recently, a video with the words "Praise Satan" appeared on the Instagram account of this TV series provider, the RCC hierarch noted.
“Over the past few days, the Vatican has signed an agreement with the UN to promote sustainability and gender equality, thereby supporting an organization that promotes abortion and contraception,” Vigano writes.
The Catholic hierarch also negatively assessed the new partnership between the Pope and the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, which includes the Rothschilds and other global economic leaders. He even saw "almost as a shameful insult against the Blessed Mother" in the fact that this Council was founded on December 8, the day of the "Immaculate Conception".
Among other actions of the Vatican, which are taking place in the key of creating a "deep church", Vigano names the support for vaccinations and an agreement with China.
“I believe it is now understood beyond all reasonable doubt that the leaders of the present Catholic Hierarchy have placed themselves at the service of the globalist Oligarchy and Freemasonry: the idolatrous cult of the pachamama in the Vatican Basilica is now joined by a sacrilegious Nativity scene, whose symbology appears to allude to ancient Egyptian rites as well as aliens. Only a naive person or an accomplice can deny that in this whole chain of events there is a very clear ideological coherence and a lucid diabolical mind,” Carlo Maria Vigano believes.
As the UOJ reported, the Vatican and the world's largest investment and business leaders have formed the Council for Inclusive Capitalism.