Diversity is not a sin: Hierarch of the Phanar on LGBT representatives

According to the Archbishop of Crete, homosexuality is a "peculiarity" that cannot be judged because spiritual fathers are not angels.
Hierarch of the Constantinople Patriarchate, Archbishop Evgenios of Crete, stated that he does not consider gender diversity a sin.
During the television program Antithesis on Crete TV, Archbishop Evgenios, in the context of a conversation about homosexuals, said that "diversity is not a sin."
Mentioning that homosexuals face discrimination in society, Archbishop Evgenios stated that "diversity (gender and sexual - Ed.) is not a sin."
He noted that "we love the sinner, but we do not accept sin," and mentioned that "there are many homosexuals who come to me and confess, and I know their sensitivity and why they have this peculiarity."
Continuing to discuss homosexuality as a "peculiarrity", the Archbishop of Crete noted that "we love their peculiarity" because "we spiritual fathers are neither angels nor archangels!" and "we neither condemn nor do we castigate" homosexuals.
Earlier, UOJ reported that, according to Archbishop Evgenios, "our arms are open to homosexuals."