Phanar head: Orthodoxy is unethically used against Christians in Ukraine

Patriarch Bartholomew believes that with the blessing of the ROC, " Orthodox Christianity is unethically harnessed against other Orthodox Christians".
The head of the Church of Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew said at the International Conference in Antalya dedicated to the Apostle Paul that the idea of ecumenism is "not a luxury" but an imperative for Christians, reports Fosfanariou.
“Therefore, when we pursue inter-Christian relations today—engaging with Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and all Protestant believers—we are naturally promoting sacramental unity in accordance with the prayer of our Lord, who desired "that [his disciples] may all be one" (John 17.21),” the Phanar head noted.
At the same time, he said, "In our world religion is being exploited, manipulated and instrumentalized for various reasons, including nationalism, fanaticism and fundamentalism."
"We witness this before our eyes in Ukraine, where Orthodox Christianity is unethically and unjustly harnessed against other Orthodox Christians with the blessing of the Moscow Patriarchate. We observe the same violation and vilification in the Middle East and Northern Africa, where hostility and warfare are waged in the name of religion at the expense of civilian life and humanitarian need," said Patriarch Bartholomew.
Earlier, the head of the Phanar warned that there will be more deaths from global warming than from COVID.