In Uruguay, Catholic priest blesses a gay couple after their "wedding"

The two men touted themselves as "the world's first same-sex couple to receive a Catholic blessing."
On February 19, 2024, in Uruguay, Catholic priest Francisco Gordalina ceremoniously "blessed" two local homosexuals, Carlos Persiavalle and Jimmy Castillos, as reported by Gente.
Before the "blessing", Francisco Gordalina said the following words: "Since you both are children of God and have asked for the blessing of our God the Father, we are pleased to be here on behalf of the Church to ask Him to bless you."
After pronouncing these words, the Catholic priest placed his hand on the heads of Carlos Persiavalle and Jimmy Castillos one by one and delivered "blessing" speeches.
Upon receiving this "blessing", the homosexuals thanked the Vatican representative and hugged him.
Earlier, the UOJ reported that 650 Catholic churches had been closed in Germany since 2005.