Synod instructs DECR to spiritually patronize UOC believers abroad

The Church will spiritually support compatriots who live or work outside the country.
The Holy Synod of the UOC stated that Orthodox Christians of Ukraine who found themselves in large numbers abroad need spiritual care from the Church.
The Synod instructed the Department for External Church Relations to provide pastoral assistance and spiritual support to believers, to organize and coordinate such care, reports the UOC Information and Education Department.
The Synod blessed the diocesan bishops to inform the Department for External Church Relations of the UOC about the places of compact residence of the laity from the dioceses entrusted to them abroad with the aim of further organizing missions or parishes.
The head of the DECR-UOC is a permanent member of the Holy Synod, Metropolitan Mitrofan (Yurchuk) of Lugansk and Alchevsk.
As reported earlier, on May 12, 2021, the first meeting of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church began in 2021 at the residence of the Primate of the UOC on the territory of the Holy Dormition Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.