Catholic bishop on LGBT people: Some are born in the "wrong bodies"

According to the RCC bishop, "when it comes to sexuality, the Church magisterium and Christian anthropology should take into account the latest scientific advances."
Auxiliary Catholic Bishop of Essen and representative of the German Bishops' Conference (DBK) for pastoral care of the LGBT Ludger Schepers believes that people identifying as LGBT are born in the wrong bodies.
In an interview with Tagespost, Schepers explained that "when it comes to sexuality, the Church magisterium and Christian anthropology should take into account the latest scientific advances."
"Some believe that there is a core of man and a core of woman. However, one can also start from the point that both are human beings, which is also the root of the biblical word Adam. Being human is what unites them," says Schepers.
According to his theory, humanity is "more like an ellipse with two poles and the possibility of what extends between them."
"With this model, I remain within the gender polarity and at the same time have the opportunity to include these people (LGBT representatives) in the human image," said the RCC hierarch.
Earlier, it was reported that in the USA, a Catholic hermit confessed to being a transgender woman.