Pope – to the gay man expelled from seminary: Go forward with your vocation

The Pope told the gay that “Jesus calls everyone, and some people think of the Church as a customs office, which is bad because the Church should be open to everyone.”
Pope Francis urged a gay man expelled from a Catholic seminary for his homosexual orientation to forge ahead with his vocation.
According to the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero, 22-year-old Lorenzo Michele Noè Caruso received a letter from Francis in response to an email Caruso sent to the pontiff regarding Francis' reported use of the vulgarism "frociaggine" ("f–ggotry" – Ed.) in reference to homosexuals in seminaries.
"Thank you very much for your letter," wrote Pope Francis personally, stressing that he was "struck by an expression of yours: ‘Toxic and elective clericalism’: and it is true! Do you know that clericalism is a plague?”
"Jesus calls everyone, everyone," the letter continues. "Some people think of the Church as a customs office, and that is bad. The Church must be open to everyone. Brother, go forward with your vocation," the Pope wrote.
In the publication lifesitenews.com, it is argued that "Francis affirmed the homosexual man in his attempt to receive Holy Orders in explicit violation of Catholic teaching while also failing to call him to repentance and chastity."
Caruso told Il Messaggero that Francis's "beautiful reply… makes it clear who the real Pope is, he is not what they made him out to be.”
"This letter gives me hope, now the seminary remains a dream not shelved," he added. The young man said that he was dismissed from the seminary when his “sexuality” was discovered.
According to Caruso, the letter he received from Francis has “heartened” him and other so-called “gay Catholics”.
Earlier, the UOJ reported that during a closed meeting with Italian bishops who had come to Rome for the General Assembly, Pope Francis stated that "there are too many 'faggots' in our seminaries."