Lawyers succeed in securing recusal of judge in Fr Serhiy Chertylin case

The defense team has identified several serious legal violations in the actions of Judge Dmytro Kratko and found him biased.
The defense team of Archpriest Serhiy Chertylin has succeeded in having Judge Dmytro Kratko recused, reported Fr Serhiy's lawyer, Artchpriest Nikita Chekman, and published the corresponding decision of the Solomyansky Court.
"The mentioned judge committed a number of gross violations of the law in considering motions in the Father Serhiy case, casting doubts on his impartiality! Thank you for the lawful decision! Truth will prevail! God is with us!" commented the lawyer on the court's decision.
As reported, the defense filed for Judge Kratko's recusal because on May 29th he received for consideration both the defense's complaint against the suspicion report and the prosecution's motion to extend the pre-trial investigation. But the complaint, contrary to the requirements of the CPC, was not even scheduled for judicial consideration. According to the requirements, it should be considered within 72 hours after the court receives the complaint, while the prosecution's petition was immediately scheduled.