Tithe brethren recover churchware seized after the church's demolition

The lawyers managed to recover the bas-relief of the Holy Face of Jesus from the destroyed UOC church.
Above the main entrance of the brotherhood building of the Tithe Monastery of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, a bas-relief of the Holy Face of Jesus Christ with angels from the destroyed Volodymyr-Olga Church of the UOC was installed on July 17. According to the monastery's Telegram channel, the holy image was returned along with other seized church property.
"The holy image was under arrest by the enforcement service, and thanks to the efforts of lawyer Archpriest Nikita Chekman, it was possible to return not only the bas-relief but also other seized church items," the statement reads.
As the UOJ previously reported, officials had seized liturgical items from the Tithe Church.