Politoligist on UOC ban: Zelensky acts in the interests of Turkish citizen

Bondarenko noted that the creation of a Phanar exarchate in Ukraine will not contribute to interfaith peace in the country.
Political analyst and historian Kostiantyn Bondarenko, in an interview with Oleksandr Shelest, commented on the ban of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, stating that such actions contradict canonical law. "Currently, there are several jurisdictions in Ukraine, but if we speak about clear canonicity without any conditions, the canonicity remains with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Now, any attacks against the UOC are attacks against canonical law," Bondarenko stressed.
He also criticized President Volodymyr Zelensky for informing Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of changes in Ukrainian religious legislation, calling it "absurd". According to Bondarenko, under Turkish law and international law, Bartholomew is the head of the Orthodox community of Istanbul and is subject to the laws of the Republic of Turkey, serving as a state official. "The president of a sovereign state, Zelensky, is informing and reporting to a state official of the Turkish Republic... about what he has done in the interests of this state official on the Ukrainian territory," Bondarenko stressed.
The political analyst also pointed out that Bartholomew aims to establish an Exarchate of the Constantinople Church in Ukraine and bring several temples under his jurisdiction, which could lead to pressure on priests and hierarchs through the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). "Don’t want to join the OCU? Then go to the exarchate. This is yet another jurisdiction, and it will create chaos and certainly not contribute to interfaith peace in Ukraine," Bondarenko stated.
In his comments, Bondarenko also highlighted the difference between the Orthodox and Catholic worlds, emphasizing that Orthodox Christians do not have a "pope" who could influence the entire Orthodox world. "The Ecumenical Patriarch is first among equals. He cannot give orders to other patriarchs," the political analyst noted. However, since 2016, according to him, Patriarch Bartholomew has begun attempting to interfere in the affairs of other Orthodox Churches, which resulted in confusion and tension.
As reported by the UOJ, Zelensky informed the head of Phanar about the strengthening of "spiritual independence".