AUCCRO and MOE sign an agreement on the protection of family values

Officials agreed not to include in the textbooks provisions that are contrary to traditional family values and devalue motherhood and fatherhood.
The All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (AUCCRO) signed a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, which provides for an obligation not to introduce provisions that contradict the traditional family values of the Ukrainian people into educational literature and curricula, the official website of the AUCCRO reports.
In particular, the programs approved by the Ministry of Education should not contain materials that threaten to devalue the institution of family, motherhood and fatherhood and deprive the family, responsible motherhood and fatherhood, of the educational ideal value. Also among the priorities of cooperation of officials with the AUCCRO is the further teaching of courses of moral direction in institutions of general secondary education, as well as education based on moral and spiritual values in institutions of preschool education.
In addition, the Council of Churches and the Ministry of Education agreed to cooperate for licensing the activities of institutions of higher spiritual education and further accreditation of their educational programs.
As reported by the UOJ, the AUCCRO called for the rejection of the bill on "intolerance" towards LGBT people.