Pat Bartholomew: Tomos of OCU strengthens the unity of Orthodoxy

Patriarch Bartholomew noted that granting the OCU independent status played a key role in ensuring church order and preserving Orthodox unity.
Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, speaking in Australia at an official dinner organized by the Archdiocese of Australia, emphasized the importance of the autocephaly of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) as a step towards strengthening the unity of the Orthodox world, reports Orthodox Times.
Patriarch Bartholomew noted that granting the OCU independent status played a key role in maintaining church order and preserving Orthodox unity, despite internal and external challenges.
He also touched on the topic of political and religious freedom, highlighting Australia as an example of a country where these values are protected and upheld. In his opinion, Australia represents an exemplary model of freedom and progress.
In addition, Patriarch Bartholomew stressed the importance of dialogue between different Christian denominations and religions, noting the leading role of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in these processes.
As reported by the UOJ, Patriarch Bartholomew accused the ROC of being ungrateful to the Mother Church.