Zelensky warns of a possible outbreak of war with Russia

In the event of an escalation, the neighborhood of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus will cease to exist, Vladimir Zelensky said.
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky admitted the possibility of a full-scale war with Russia. He said this on September 10, 2021 at the YES Brainstorming Forum, which takes place in Kyiv.
He was asked about this by the forum moderator Stephen Sakur.
“I think it’s possible. <...> There is potential in this issue. I believe this will be the biggest mistake of the Russian Federation. After that, there will never be a neighborhood of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, on the territory of which there is a presence of Russia.
This is the worst thing that can happen, that I can imagine as a person, as a citizen, as a Ukrainian,” said Vladimir Zelensky.
Earlier, Zelensky told the head of Phanar about the use of religion by the aggressor as a hybrid weapon.