Harry Potter author: "There are no trans kids"

J.K. Rowling has once again been accused of transphobia.
The author of the Harry Potter book series, J.K. Rowling, faced renewed criticism for her statements about transgender children. On the social media platform X, the writer engaged in a heated exchange with a user who urged her to use her influence for good and stop hating transgender children.
Rowling responded sharply: "There are no trans kids. No child is 'born in the wrong body'. There are only adults like you, prepared to sacrifice the health of minors to bolster your belief in an ideology that will end up wreaking more harm than lobotomies and false memory syndrome combined."
The statement sparked a lively discussion in the comments. Many criticized Rowling for her stance, accusing her of being transphobic and disregarding the experiences of transgender individuals. However, this time, her post also garnered numerous supportive comments.
The author was approved by those who believe that transitioning at a young age could harm children. Users emphasized the importance of discussing these issues and expressed gratitude to Rowling for her nerve in addressing the problem.

As previously reported, J.K. Rowling has stated that she is willing to serve two years in prison rather than change her position on the existence of only two biological sexes.