Phanar: The sacraments Filaret performs are invalid

The Australian Archdiocese of Phanar "annexed" the parishes of the Kyiv Patriarchate to itself.
The Archdiocese of Australia of the Patriarchate of Constantinople announced the “annexation” of parishes of the UOC-KP in the country, published a communique regarding the activities of the “archimandrite” of the UOC-KP Nektarios Alexandratos, and stated that the sacraments performed by Filaret are invalid. It is reported by Vema.
“Within the canonical boundaries of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia, there are Ukrainian communities which, until recently, belonged to the so-called and never canonically recognised ‘Patriarchate of Kiev’,” the Archdiocese said.
“For the canonical Orthodox Church, there is no 'Patriarchate of Kiev' and Philaretos, as a self-proclaimed 'Patriarch' is not recognised by any canonical Orthodox Church nor, of course, by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Therefore, his administrative acts and the sacraments he performs are invalid and non-existent for the Orthodox Church everywhere. The same applies to Nectarios Alexandratos, who portrays himself as a clergyman,” the source says.
“We draw the attention of the faithful of Australia that this person is not a genuine priest, which is why the ‘sacraments’ that he ‘performs’ are not recognised by any Orthodox Church. We urge the said gentleman to stop wearing the holy cassock of priests, deceiving the people of God, and to ask for the forgiveness of the Church and the mercy of God,” called the Phanar hierarchs in Australia.
Nektarios Alexandratos himself responded to the Archdiocese’s communique on his Facebook page.
“We categorically object to the fact that Patriarch Filaret is ‘non-canonical’. The proclamation of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of 2018 is very clear and thorough: the Ukrainian Church and Hierarch Philaret, whom we represent in Australia, are canonical by decree of the Ecumenical Patriarch and the Synod,” Alexandratos wrote.
He also wonders why Phanar refers to the members of the UOC-KP as non-canonical: “His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, you proclaim that the sacraments from us and the Kyivan Patriarchate are invalid, while the Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs profoundly declares that ‘The Church of Ukraine is welcomed by Greece, and so are all of the clergy!' So, should we trust you, Archbishop Makarios, or the Greek Foreign Minister?”
Earlier, the UOJ reported that the schismatic Phanar communities in Australia and New Zealand acceded to the UOC-KP.