RF Foreign Ministry on Latvian authorities’ interference in LOC activities

The Russian Foreign Ministry threatened Latvia with "consequences" for its attempt to pass a law on the separation of the Latvian Orthodox Church from the ROC.
On September 7, Ambassador-at-large Gennady Askaldovich, Special Representative of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for Cooperation on Freedom of Religion, stated of "gross interference of the Latvian authorities in religious affairs" after Latvian President Egils Levits submitted to the Saeima a bill on separating the Latvian Orthodox Church from the Russian Orthodox Church.
The ambassador noted that Latvian government officials seem to have forgotten the Latvian Constitution, which states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religious belief. The Church is separate from the state.” He also reminded the officials that Latvia is a signatory to European and international documents protecting human rights and freedom of religion, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and others, which emphasize the principle of independence of the spiritual sphere from any interference.
Gennady Askaldovich suggested that the bill is merely a tribute to populism and an attempt by certain parties to score points in the election race by betting on Russophobia.
The special representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noticed that it was not the first time that "the Baltic states" put the eradication of everything Russian above all, and not the protection of the interests of the people, their citizens, churches and religious communities. "Latvia thus once again demonstrates the Russophobic orientation of its policy, now seeking to break the spiritual ties with Russia of our compatriots living in this country," said Gennady Askaldovich. In his opinion, this sets a dangerous precedent of blatant pressure of the state not only on the ROC but also on other religious communities.
"We categorically reject such a policy. It will not pass without consequences for Latvia," the official resumed.
We recall that the Russian Orthodox Church reacted sharply to the authorities' interference in the affairs of the Latvian Orthodox Church.
As reported, the President of Latvia submitted a bill to the Seimas on separating the LOC from the ROC.