WCC Acting General Secretary meets with Patriarch Kirill

WCC Acting General Secretary, Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca, visited Moscow where he met with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Acting General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca, visited Moscow this week, where he met with Patriarch Kirill and other representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, reports the official website of the WCC.
In his interaction with the head of the ROC, Sauca focused on the follow-up to the 11th Assembly of the WCC and in particular on the Assembly's public statement on Russia's war in Ukraine.
The visit came at the initiative of the WCC Central Committee as part of a series of visits already covering the Middle East, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Israel, Ukraine and now Russia, aimed at building bridges of reconciliation through meetings and dialogues, as well as resolving military conflicts, wars and violence.
As reported, the WCC General Assembly condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine in its final resolution.