Clerics of Zaporozhye eparchy support unanimously the UOC Primate

Contrary to the information on the ostensibly mass desire of the clergy to pass to a new church structure, priests remain loyal to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
This week, clergy meetings were also held in Zaporozhye eparchy, at which clerics discussed an open letter to His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy, prepared by a number of priests in light of the latest statements and actions of the Constantinople Patriarchate. The address echoed full support and understanding in the hearts of the clergy, reports the press service of Zaporozhye eparchy.
With the blessing of Luke, Metropolitan of Zaporozhye and Melitopol, the clerics were invited to get familiar with the address and, if agreed, put their signatures under it. The clergy witnessed their full agreement to the text of the address.
“Your Beatitude!
Our Archpastor and Father!
Today, our Mother Church is living through a difficult period of its history – a scornful attitude to the opinion of the clergy and laity, its faithful children, the non-canonical incursion into our territory and unprecedented violation by the Constantinople Patriarchate of our rights of self-government and independence granted to our Church in 1990. All this is aggravated by the recognition of schismatic organizations, dramatic acceleration of the developments to create a parallel ecclesiastic structure in Ukraine, with the support of politicians – people who are far from the Church, often hostile to Her, who interfere in Her affairs and tell us how to lead the people of God to salvation.
We, faithful children of our spiritual Mother – the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, headed by you, testify that we do not recognize the decisions taken on 10 October 2018 by the Synod of the Church of Constantinople, and express to you, Your Beatitude, our unquestionable support and filial obedience; and with you " we remain with the Church persecuted, but stand in the right position, the position of the true Church ... ”
We prayerfully wish Your Beatitude good health, vigor and fortitude, abundant mercies and spiritual joy from our All-Mighty God!
We invoke prayers and blessings of Your Primacy for our further "peaceful and good" service for the benefit of the people of faith and our Mother-Church, and may the Lord, who suffered for us, “make our love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for them. May he strengthen our hearts so that we will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones. (1 Thess. 3: 12-13)!”