Zoria: We need Tomos for contacts with Catholics and Protestants

Spokesman of the Kiev Patriarchate, Eustratiy Zoria, explained why the schismatics really need Tomos.
Tomos will allow to participate in official contacts with the Catholic and Protestant Churches, said the spokesman of the Kiev Patriarchate during the chat at the Glavred.
According to him, earlier the “Ukrainian Church” was “isolated” from communion with other Orthodox Churches, as well as with Catholics and Protestants.
As for the laymen, Tomos should bring them the following benefits: they "will not have to listen to sermons in the churches about the "Russian world ", about the "need to unite with Moscow" and other political propaganda, wrapped in the ideas of the "Russian world".
In April of this year, the head of the UGCC, Sviatoslav Shevchuk, also spoke about “overcoming church isolation” and promised that the creation of the SLC is only the first step towards achieving unity of the churches of Prince Vladimir’s Baptism, whereas “the next step is an ecumenical dialogue between the UGCC and the united Ukrainian Orthodoxy towards restoring the original unity of this church.”