Clerics of Poltava eparchy support unanimously the UOC Primate

The clergy of Poltava eparchy spoke in favor of preserving the current status of the UOC and reaffirmed their loyalty to His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy.
On 25 October 2018, a general meeting of the entire clergy of Poltava eparchy was held in Poltava, reports the website of Poltava eparchy.
The clergy meeting under the chairmanship of Metropolitan Philip of Poltava and Mirgorod was also attended by the Fathers from all deaneries of the eparchy, brethren of the Transfiguration Mgarsk Monastery, as well as Abbesses of the convents.
After discussing a number of topical issues of the church life, the clergy representatives unanimously decided to recognize the existing canonical status of the UOC as the most optimal in the current conditions. The clergymen also testified their full support to His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy.
Contrary to the information on the ostensibly mass desire of the clergy to move into a new church structure, the clergymen of the UOC eparchies express their loyalty to the canonical Church.