President: Slogan "Ukraine is Europe" should be part of our consciousness

Europe begins with each of us – with the observance of laws, protection of democratic values, including freedom of speech, thought and religion, Zelensky emphasized.
Building a successful Europe without Ukraine will not be completed, and the slogan "Ukraine is Europe!" should be part of the consciousness of Ukrainians, the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky wrote in his address to citizens on the occasion of the celebration of Europe Day.
“Today we celebrate a special holiday – Europe Day,” the President said in a statement published on his official Facebook page. “I am sure that ‘Ukraine is Europe’ should not become just a formal slogan, which we recall once a year. This should be a part of our consciousness.”
Zelensky stressed that Europe is first and foremost a way of thinking.
“Europe begins with each of us. With every citizen. With the observance of laws, payment of taxes, protection of democratic values and civil society, free expression of will, freedom of speech, thought and religion, equality, and respect. With an ‘allergy’ to taking or giving bribes, with a properly parked car and a cigarette butt thrown into the trash,” he added, urging Ukrainians to make sure "that we have Europe Day every day”.
According to the President, “building a united, prosperous and successful Europe continues” and without Ukraine “this process cannot be considered completed”.
“We believe that this day will surely come, and our state will be a full part of the European family!” summed up the head of State.
As reported earlier, on May 9, 2020, Vladimir Zelensky promised to establish the bells of Peace and Unity in Donetsk and the Crimea to strike at them when peace is restored in Ukraine.